Complimentary Health Tourism Complication Insurance
Health Tourism Complication Insurance provides coverage for foreign individuals who are planning to have one of the specified surgeries or treatments below in Turkey. Coverage becomes valid in case of repetition of the same surgery due to complications that should arise after the primary surgery. Both the primary surgery and the repetition surgery should be undertaken in Turkey. The policy is valid for 6 months starting from the date of commencement and 12 months for dental implant treatments.
Insurance Details

What is included?
Inpatient Treatment Coverage
It covers medical complications that arise after medical procedures.
Flight Ticket Coverage
The price of economy class flight ticket, paid by the insured for treatment of complication, arising as a result of a treatment, applied to insured in Turkey, or revision of surgery, is reimbursed subject to limit and exclusions in the policy. Flight ticket coverage limit varies between plans; check your certificate. Coverage is indicated on certificate and/or policy. Flight ticket coverage has an exemption of EUR 100 and maximum payable coverage varies depending on plan. Coverage limit is specified in the certificate and policy.
Accommodation Coverage
Accommodation expenses paid by the insured, for the treatment of the complication that occurred due to the initial surgery in Turkey, are reimbursed under this coverage at a maximum of USD 100 per day and a total limit of USD 500. Accommodation for the first 5 days is deductible and coverage is applied for the accommodations after 5 days. The accommodation period includes the staying period before and after the treatment in Turkey, outside of the healthcare institution.
Coverage for Treatment in Your Home Country
Minor interventions and medical treatments, related to early complications, such as discharge in wound and infection, related to medical procedure/surgery, experienced by the insured after returning to native country, which do not require the insured to return, will be reimbursed within the limits, specified in the policy and certificate under this coverage.
For reimbursement of these expenses, the insured must deliver medical report and original invoice, bank information for payment (SWIFT, IBAN), via mail.
Following evaluation, payment for covered expenses, will be made to the bank account of insured, subject to coverage limits. In payments, bank transfer and swift expenses will be deducted from coverage limits.
Frequently asked questions
Who can be insured?
Who can be insured?
Age limits are 5 and 75 and persons of 75 years of age and over are excluded from insurance coverage. Policy production is made by using passport number.
What is the geographical area?
What is the geographical area?
This policy is only valid in case the treatments for complications of surgeries, interventions and medical treatments, performed within the territory of Republic of Turkey after policy commencement date. However, minor interventions and medical treatments related to early complications such as discharge from the wound, infection related to the medical intervention / surgery that the Insured had after returning to his/her home country, and medical treatments that will not require him/her to come back to Turkey again are also covered together with the intervention in native country coverage in his/her own country. Valid covarage limits are specified in the policy and certificate.
What is the term of Complications Insurance Policy ?
What is the term of Complications Insurance Policy ?
Policy is valid for a term of 180 days starting from commencement date.
Is there a waiting time in Complications Insurance Policy?
Is there a waiting time in Complications Insurance Policy?
In this policy, there are no waiting times for complications, arising as a result of a surgery, procedure, or plastic procedure, performed subsequent to the policy commencement date.
Wait, is this policy actually free?
Wait, is this policy actually free?
Yes, this is a complimentary service from Healou, designed to keep you feeling safe and worry-free before your treatment. And the best part? It’s absolutely free—zero cost to you!